Tags edtech

State and local budgets get a boost from $1.9 trillion relief package

by Benjamin Freed

The package will provide $350 billion in state and local aid, as well as investments in K-12 broadband and vaccine distribution.

U. Notre Dame expands online course offerings with Everspring deal

by Colin Wood

New courses centered on the use of data for philanthropy and global development will be offered through Everspring's online platform.

From Biden administration, higher ed leaders want connectivity, innovation, support

by Colin Wood

Early policies on student loan relief indicate a positive trend, one edtech leader told EdScoop, but some still seek "a general reversal from the last four years."

New website for university faculty will explain remote-teaching tech

by Betsy Foresman

Two universities teamed up with a nonprofit group to curate a collection of videos and articles to guide faculty toward more effective digital tool use.

North Dakota launches student app challenge for career development

by Betsy Foresman

State officials are hopeful the competition will provide enterprising young developers a chance to meet with industry and secure job opportunities.
