Tags digital government

Colorado's new Digital Service spent its first year dealing with the pandemic

by Ryan Johnston

The Colorado Digital Service, launched soon after the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, designed and procured tools critical to the state's response to the health crisis.

Cities are just getting started with COVID-19 engagement

by Ryan Johnston

The health crisis has forced city officials to completely rethink they connect to their constituents, and to start experimenting with new engagement strategies.

Pandemic elevated CIOs' roles, NASCIO survey finds

by Benjamin Freed

The association's annual survey of its members found that many CIOs are at the forefront of their states' responses to the historic health crisis.

Digital playbooks offer governments pandemic relief strategies

by Ryan Johnston

The data management company BrightHive developed two guides to help governments improve the digital components of their COVID-19 responses.

New Jersey's Twitter account is unabashedly New Jersey

by Ryan Johnston

Staffers in Gov. Phil Murphy's office are taking a different approach to the state's Twitter account and attracting fanfare and New Jersey pride in the process.

Delaware IT agency elevates partnerships by embedding staff

by Colin Wood

State CIO James Collins said he places customer engagement officials in each partner agency to improve how they work together.

Despite digital ambitions, governments fail to scale initiatives, survey shows

by Colin Wood

Digital initiatives are a top priority for state government, yet agencies continue to lag behind the private sector in their attempts to scale those initiatives, according a survey released this week by research and advisory firm Gartner. A report released Wednesday reveals that chief information officers and other government technology leaders in the U.S., the U.K., Australia, Singapore, Canada and India are rarely able to deliver their digital businesses at scale, despite…
