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Lack of diversity in higher education IT leadership targeted by new fellowship program

A new fellowship seeking to improve diversity in the highest ranks of higher education IT announced its inaugural class last week. The Next Leaders Fellowship pays for its members to go to multiple higher ed IT conferences and take a mid-year professional development experience. The goal is for fellows to form connections that will serve them throughout the rest of their careers, Bowdoin College Chief Information Officer Michael Cato told EdScoop. Emily Bamforth has more on EdScoop.

A Message From AWS Educate

With over 1,500 institutions and hundreds of thousands of students who use AWS Educate, we wanted to take you on a trip around the world and highlight how students are learning and innovating with the cloud. Learn more.

Education in the meta verse needs human connection, Brookings argues

Even in a metaverse classroom, a real-life instructor is still needed to make sure students are actively learning, according to a new Brookings report. Read more on EdScoop.

New Wyoming CIO to prioritize cybersecurity, modernization

On the Priorities Podcast: Wyoming's new CIO Bill Vajda outlines his approach, Auth0’s Salman Ladha explains the identity challenges in government right now. Listen to the podcast here.

VA CIO says department must hold tech contractors 'to a standard'

Kurt DelBene earlier this week gave evidence to lawmakers for the first time since joining the department in December. John Hewitt Jones has more for FedScoop.

Defense Department to fund community college STEM consortiums

The Department of Defense wants to establish five consortiums led by community colleges that would prioritize STEM education and feed into the DOD talent pipeline. Emily has the details for EdScoop.

Arizona State students to pitch how 5G, edge computing can boost digital equity

The "Digital Equity Jam" is asking students to apply new technologies to issues such as public health, climate change and education. EdScoop has the story.

Job of the Day

Chief Information Officer |International Trade Administration

The CIO of ITA is responsible for day-to-day operations and management of the administration's information technology. The CIO also serves as a member of the Department of Commerce's CIO Council. See this job and more.

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