What makes a good state CIO?
The role of the CIO in government is changing everywhere, but especially in state government. Some CIOs, like Vermont CIO John Quinn, say they're judged by how well he's completing the consolidation and centralization of the state's IT services. Others, like Nebraska CIO Ed Toner, said he regularly publishes his agency's performance metrics — good and bad. Doug Robinson, the executive director of the National Association of State Chief Information Officers had a lot to say. All told, the job is hard. It's changing. And it's going to keep changing. Colin Wood has more from Quinn, Robinson and Toner on StateScoop.
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With over 1,500 institutions and hundreds of thousands of students who use AWS Educate, we wanted to take you on a trip around the world and highlight how students are learning and innovating with the cloud.
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GSA wants public recommendations on future workforce policies and initiatives
Selected respondents will present before federal senior executive leadership. Dave Nyczepir has more on FedScoop.
Why Texas A&M International is doubling the size of its IT help desk
Texas A&M International University plans in February to unveil a new in-person IT help desk in a room double the size of its previous space. It will provide more space for employees to work and for students and staff to keep distance when seeking support, Chief Information Officer Miguel Munoa said. The Laredo, Texas-based school is taking inspiration from the Apple Store for the new design. Emily Bamforth has it for EdScoop.
How the Army is coding its own solution for the Tour of Duty jobs website
The Army Software Factory is behind the push to expand access to a virtual job board for reservists looking for active duty jobs. Jackson Barnett has it for FedScoop.
American Rescue Plan rule tweak allows more cybersecurity spending
The Treasury Department's final rule for the American Rescue Plan's state and local relief funds makes it easier for recipients to use that money on cybersecurity upgrades. Benjamin Freed has the details on StateScoop.
City College of New York gets fiber donation to connect to 5G testbed
City College researchers interested in smart cities, autonomous vehicles and network research can now use a fiber connection to a high-speed testbed in Manhattan. Emily has the details at EdScoop.
Florida names new CISO amid struggles to keep cybersecurity staff
Florida CIO James Grant said the new CISO, Jeremy Rodgers, is "uniquely qualified to lead our cybersecurity team." Ben has it for StateScoop.
Job of the Day
Associate Chief Information Officer for Infrastructure Services |Railroad Retirement Board
The Associate CIO for Infrastructure Services will provide leadership using industry standard best practices to deliver services to organizational units within the Railroad Retirement Board. See this job and more.