TikTok aims to promote cyber smarts
TikTok is joining several other tech companies in backing a new career-training initiative by the National Cyber Security Alliance, an industry-backed organization that promotes cybersecurity education. The social media company plans to use its video platform to share content from the alliance’s Cybersecurity Education and Career Resource Library, a new suite of materials encouraging college students — as well as K-12 students, teachers, veterans and other groups — to learn the skills needed to fill an estimated 359,000 cybersecurity job openings across the United States and 3 million jobs globally, figures that are projected to grow in future years. Benjamin Freed has the story.
A Message From AWS Educate
With over 1,500 institutions and hundreds of thousands of students who use AWS Educate, we wanted to take you on a trip around the world and highlight how students are learning and innovating with the cloud.
Learn more.
Higher ed leaders sketch cyber workforce plans at White House meeting
Higher education institutions announced new investments in cybersecurity recently as part of the flood of initiatives declared at a high-profile White House cybersecurity meeting. Leaders from the University of Texas system, Washington’s Whatcom Community College and Tougaloo College, a private Historically Black institution in Mississippi, attended the meeting, along with the nonprofits Code.org and Girls Who Code. Education announcements focused on growing the pool of professionals prepared to handle growing cybersecurity threats. The White House estimates vacancies in nearly half a million public and private cybersecurity jobs. Emily Bamforth explains.
Cybersecurity courses critical for public safety as threats grow
The public safety technology firm Mission Critical Partners this week announced it will begin selling cybersecurity training sessions tailored for public safety workers. The four-hour courses are set to begin this September, meeting a demand among their clients for cybersecurity training that’s designed for emergency responders, a company official said. Mission Critical Partners, which specializes in 911 technology and consulting, plans to offer two courses initially, one for front-line workers and another for leaders seeking to instill a culture of cybersecurity in their organizations. Colin Wood reports on the news.
'You're going to want' BRM in your state, CIOs say
The practice known as business relationship management is serving state IT organizations well, but adopting it often comes with challenges, four state chief information officers said during an online panel discussion Thursday. During a webcast hosted by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers, Louisiana CIO Dickie Howze pointed to his state’s adoption of BRM back in 2014, when he said he and other state administrators realized “this was going to be one of the most important things we needed to do.” But he said despite the importance of BRM, which encourages managers to build partnerships to align the goals of various stakeholders, Howze immediately recognized the change could be met with resistance. Here's the latest.
Job of the Day
IT Specialist |Department of Health and Human Services
The incumbent of this position serves as an Information Technology (IT) Specialist for the IT department at the Great Plains Area Regional Drug Dependency Unit, Winnebago NE. This position is to serve as an assistant to the IT department supervisor. The IT department supports the GPARDDU's medical and administrative applications that run on various servers and computers. See this job and others here.
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