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Florida's IT agency struggling to hold key employees

Florida's information technology agency — the Florida Digital Service — is having trouble filling critical positions, specifically in cybersecurity jobs, according to reporting from the Miami Herald. Half of the positions for the state's 10-person cybersecurity response team are reportedly vacant. Colin Wood has more on StateScoop.

A Message From AWS Educate

With over 1,500 institutions and hundreds of thousands of students who use AWS Educate, we wanted to take you on a trip around the world and highlight how students are learning and innovating with the cloud. Learn more.

AT&T expands IT apprenticeship program supporting national security agencies

The program takes aim at security clearances, a major hurdle to bringing new talent into the contract workforce. Dave Nyczepir has the details on FedScoop.

San Antonio builds 'dating website' for university collaboration

A website modeled after dating services is hoped to boost data-driven policy in a new partnership with the University of Texas at San Antonio. Ryan Johnston has more on StateScoop.

Code for America management seeks extra time in union recognition talks

The nonprofit's management team has asked to delay a final decision on union membership eligibility until early October. John Hewitt Jones has it for FedScoop.

Augusta, Ga., colleges join forces on cybersecurity degrees

The leaders of Augusta University and Augusta Technical College announced a new partnership to develop students pursuing IT security degrees. Ben has it on EdScoop.

Dataset demands and remote leadership among top challenges for CDOs during pandemic

Advisers describe new difficulties faced by CDOs over the last 18 months. John has more on FedScoop.

Sierra Vista, Arizona, will let college students try to hack its computers

A new partnership opening city assets to students studying information security and social engineering is hoped to keep city staff on their toes. Ryan has it for StateScoop.

Job of the Day

Deputy CIO for Enterprise IT Policy and Governance |U.S. Department of Energy

The deputy CIO for enterprise IT policy and governance directs the management of the federal information technology acquisition reform act program, IT governance, the enterprise IT project management office and other activities. See this job and more.

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