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Why Georgia State's new cyber workforce program is different

A new cybersecurity training and mentorship program at Georgia State University will match 60 students over the next two summers with chief information security officers in organizations around the Southeast. David Maimon, an associate professor leading the academic side of the program, told EdScoop that it's designed not only to give students "practical experience," but also to introduce evidence-based cybersecurity practices to industry. “What’s missing right now is ways to check the effectiveness of policies and tools in the context of cybersecurity,” Maimon said. Colin Wood has more.

A Message From AWS Educate

With over 1,500 institutions and hundreds of thousands of students who use AWS Educate, we wanted to take you on a trip around the world and highlight how students are learning and innovating with the cloud. Learn more.

Federal data science reskilling program coming soon, Roat says

The deputy Federal CIO said a new data science training program from the Chief Information Officers Council is launching later this month. Dave Nyczepir has more.

U. Arizona acquires online university to better serve nontraditional students

The University Of Arizona has acquired the fully online Ashford University and its technical infrastructure to expand its online platform. Betsy Foresman has the details.

A remote-work headache for the FBI: Accessing unclassified data is harder than it should be

The challenge is that a lot of unclassified data resides on FBI legacy systems that otherwise are not available remotely, says the FBI Laboratory's Gurvais Griss. Dave has more.

For North Korea, phishing with fake job-recruitment emails never gets old

Give someone a zero-day and they’ll have access to a system for a day, the saying goes. But teach them to phish and they’ll have access for life. North Korean hackers live by that maxim by posing as headhunters with enticing job offers for European and American defense contractors. The latest evidence came in a McAfee report on an ongoing hacking campaign aimed at spying on defense firms. Sean Lyngaas has the details.

Cyber jobs are unfilled, even in the current climate

The shortage in qualified cybersecurity practitioners has affected 70% of the companies polled by the Enterprise Strategy Group, a market research firm. It's a problem that's complicated by a lack of clear career path for cyber pros, and that security careers depend on hands-on experience, which can be hard to come by without specific certifications. The effect, for would-be hiring companies, is an increased workload, and a failure to deploy cyber technologies to their fullest potential, resulting in potential vulnerabilities. Read the findings here.

DOD working to expand telework to support classified information

The DOD wants its teleworking platform to handle classified information as it looks to keep remote work a reality for the long-term. Jackson Barnett has more.

Job of the Day

Chief Information Officer |Consumer Finanial Protection Bureau

<strong>JOB POSTING CLOSING TODAY: </strong>The CIO of the CFPB is the agency's senior leader responsible for the overall strategic direction and management of IT. The CIO works closely with the agency's executive leadership to identify, advise and inform where technology can amplify the mission and operations of the bureau. See this job and more here.

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