Lawmakers look to create cyber training programs at CISA, VA
Lawmakers want to create cyber training programs at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and Department of Veterans Affairs to bolster the federal workforce, through legislation introduced Friday. The Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Expansion Act would launch a registered apprenticeship program at CISA and a veteran training pilot at the VA with costs to be determined. FedScoop's Dave Nyczepir has more.
A Message From AWS Educate
With over 1,500 institutions and hundreds of thousands of students who use AWS Educate, we wanted to take you on a trip around the world and highlight how students are learning and innovating with the cloud.
Learn more.
Columbus, Ohio, readies 'Smart Columbus 2.0'
Columbus, Ohio’s smart city lab will find new life as a more “flexible and nimble” innovation-focused nonprofit following the city’s completion of its five-year, $40 million grant program from the U.S. Department of Transportation earlier this year, said Mandy Bishop, the program manager of Smart Columbus, a regional partnership between the City of Columbus and Columbus Partnership, a regional business coalition. Ryan Johnston has the latest.
State officials say they're expanding broadband 'quicker, better and faster' than feds
States are rolling out new broadband connectivity programs in their rural communities faster and more efficiently than the federal government, despite a lack of clarity and communication between the two levels, according to a panel of state legislators and broadband officials that met at an event hosted by The Pew Charitable Trusts. The $350 billion in state and local stimulus contained in the American Rescue Plan enacted in March can be used for broadband, if states choose to do so. Ryan is watching.
Navy looks to onboard 472,000 users to new virtual environment by end of September
Now that the Department of Defense has transitioned away from its temporary virtual collaboration environment developed to support remote work during the pandemic, the Navy has launched its own more secure long-term solution and is working to onboard hundreds of thousands of sailors and Marines to the new platform. Called Flank Speed, the new virtual collaboration environment is built around Microsoft Office 365 cloud software — much like the DOD’s now-retired Commercial Virtual Remote (CVR) environment launched in the early days of COVID-19 telework — but with added security, Mike Galbraith, Navy’s chief digital innovation officer, said Tuesday at VMware’s Public Sector Innovation Summit, produced by FedScoop. Billy Mitchell digs in.
Job of the Day
OPS Information Systems Security Officer |Department of Homeland Security
Provide interpretive and enforcement assistance with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) security policies DHS Management Directive (MD) 4300A as it relates to the security authorization of unclassified OPS systems. Ensure adherence to the DHS Secure Baseline Configuration Guides (DHS 4300A Sensitive Systems Handbook). Validate all Component information system security reporting. See this job and others here.
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