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The Air Force wants cyber experts to 'make a living' by hacking its tech

If Will Roper, the Air Force's assistant secretary for acquisition, technology and logistics, has anything to say about it, cybersecurity researchers will have plenty of opportunities to participate in bug bounty programs in the near future. Roper said the branch of the military will offer more opportunities for white-hat hackers to participate in contests that will offer up thousands of dollars in rewards. Jackson Barnett has the details.

A Message From AWS Educate

With over 1,500 institutions and hundreds of thousands of students who use AWS Educate, we wanted to take you on a trip around the world and highlight how students are learning and innovating with the cloud. Learn more.

As DCSA surpasses background investigation goal, is Trusted Workforce 2.5 likely?

The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency set a goal in December to reach a “steady target state” of 200,000 cases pending. Dave Nyczepir has more.

U. North Texas to offer degrees in cybersecurity, GIS

Beginning in fall 2021, UNT students will be able to earn degrees in the growing fields of cybersecurity and geographic information systems. Betsy Foresman has the announcement.

Slow internet, poor preparation plague local governments amid pandemic

Local government IT leaders say they're facing a raft of issues as they work remotely, which they expect to continue managing for many months more. Colin Wood has more.

Northern Command calls upon Palantir, Apple and others to bring new tech to coronavirus fight

NORTHCOM partnered with tech companies to develop apps for the military's COVID-19 response personnel to communicate directly with the commanding general. Jackson has more.

Job of the Day

Chief Data and Analytics Officer | Federal Communications Commission

The FCC's Chief Data and Analytics Officer serves as a recognized authority over the FCC's data and data infrastructure. This role oversees, in close coordination with the CIO, the administration and technical direction of diverse FCC data governance and data management projects and initiatives. See this job and more.

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