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A psychiatrists tackles infosec’s mental health stigma

In just about every industry, mental health is overlooked and under-appreciated. But in cybersecurity, “it’s even more stigmatized,” according to psychiatrist Ryan Louie. He is trying to change that by speaking out at big conferences and appealing for data. “If someone comes into your clinic saying they’ve been hacked, don’t just brush it aside,” Louie advised his fellow mental health professionals during a speech at RSA last week. “Ask them questions. Ask them cybersecurity questions.” Sean Lyngaas has more.

A Message From AWS Educate

With over 1,500 institutions and hundreds of thousands of students who use AWS Educate, we wanted to take you on a trip around the world and highlight how students are learning and innovating with the cloud. Learn more.

How to embrace change

Brian Whittaker may be the first leader of 18F to come from outside the organization, but he says it wasn’t tough to adjust to the culture at the digital services agency, which has had nearly six years to establish its brand. It helps that until recently, Whittaker was the deputy director at the Centers of Excellence, another IT modernization initiative housed — like 18F — within the Technology Transformation Services at the General Services Administration. Outside of an age difference — the CoEs sprung up only about two years ago — he says the organizations are very similar. Tajha Chappellet-Lanier has more.

Portland State U. to upgrade STEM facility with $4.5 million donation

As part of a growing national trend to support the sciences, the founders of a local software company announced Wednesday they’ve pledged $4.5 million to Portland State University to support STEM learning. Dave and Christine Vernier, who founded the Beaverton-based Vernier Software & Technology, a company that develops sensors, lab books and software for K-12 and higher education, said the donation will be used to renovate one of the campus’ science buildings, which will be renamed the Vernier Science Center. The facility will, according to a press release from Vernier Software & Technology, include “flexible” classrooms, labs and collaborative research and teaching spaces. Colin Wood has more.

Three women CIA deputies on competition and balance

Deputy Director of CIA for Science and Technology Dawn Meyerriecks said Monday she is worried about losing CIA talent to Amazon, as it moves into the Washington, D.C. area. “Amazon moving to this area makes me a little sleepless at night” in terms of recruitment and talent, Meyerriecks said during a panel at CSIS Monday. “We have the best analytic cadre on the planet but they could make a bit more money working somewhere else.” That was not the only thing on the deputies’ minds — Betsy Davis, deputy CIA director for support, said she doesn’t think of “balance” as the most important consideration in becoming a working mom. “I don’t really like that word anymore: balance. It’s about filling up the jar of life with the things that matter.” The panel also touched on AI, sponsorship, and career paths, and is well worth your time. Take a listen here.

Naval community college?

The Navy’s new education strategy calls for increasing the familiarity with emerging technologies at all levels of the service. On top of that, much of the strategy itself will rely on the use of technology, via online and long-distance learning for the future of the Navy’s education. The Navy wants to increase the cyber and technical knowledge of sailors and Marines, acknowledging that cybersecurity has been a critical vulnerability and emerging technology is changing the way the Navy will fight in the future. Increasing this technical knowledge will mostly take place through online classes, according to the strategy released Monday. Jackson Barnett has more.

Job of the Day

Chief Human Capital Officer | GSA

In OHRM, we strive to provide meaningful HR data and analysis to help GSA make informed business decisions. The CHCO develops and recommends policies pertaining to human resources management within GSA on a nationwide basis. See this job and more.

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