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VA developing cyber careers program to fill gaps in workforce framework

VA’s Office of Information Security stood up a workforce management program across the broader agency's IT office which determined existing NICE Framework roles didn’t meet all of VA’s mission needs. The new program, developed by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education, prescribes knowledge, skills, abilities and tasks (KSATs) to work roles like a cyber defense analyst. Dave Nyczepir has more.

A Message From AWS Educate

With over 1,500 institutions and hundreds of thousands of students who use AWS Educate, we wanted to take you on a trip around the world and highlight how students are learning and innovating with the cloud. Learn more.

Cyber training center at USC Aiken to receive $15M

The facility being built on the South Carolina university campus is tied to one of five Army National Guard cyber battalions. Colin Wood has more.

Montana is retiring its mainframe

With just three legacy applications left, officials say they’re nearly ready to move on to a new era in computing. Colin has more.

Top Secret documents show Cyber Command's growing pains in its mission against ISIS

Interagency fighting and a lack of resources made it difficult for the command to manage the terabytes of data it had collected as a part of the mission. Shannon Vavra has more on CyberScoop.

Job of the Day

Deputy CIO | House of Representatives

Establish and execute a comprehensive technology strategy across the institution, including the acquiring and maintaining of leading edge technology solutions for Members, Committees, Leadership, support offices and House staff in Washington, DC and district offices across the Nation. See this job and more.

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